Kara Masters Siekman
Abundant Wellness Therapeutic Massage


Welcome to  Abundant Wellness Therapeutics!   Abundant Wellness practices strict Covid-19 sanitation and ventilation and unrushed practices, and is gently re-opening to deliver your Bliss Body and Infinity Massages once again.  Our Covid-19 protocol has been developed with the safety guidance of the Islesboro Health Center.  Safety guidelines of Abundant Wellness remain for our most vulnerable clients.  Abundant Wellness massage therapy is a science-based; fresh, client-supportive and customized approach to bodywork, emphasizing comprehensive deep relaxation, neural and brain release, pain relief, and the return to homeostasis, or equilibrium.  Therapeutic approaches may address your body's systems individually or as a whole: brain, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, lymphatic/respiratory, ROM-range of motion/ joint/skeletal/tapping to the bone, PNF-peripheral Neural facilitation, or Neuro-Muscular or reflexive techniques and deep relaxation, as well as cognitive or emotional release work, parasympathetic (rest & digest), pain relief and stess and tension release techniques, neural re-circuiting and rejuvenating bodywork.  Bliss Body and Infinity Massages are the experiences planned for you! 

Islesboro Community Center ~ Sundays and Mondays available and additional days/times and Outcalls with heated massage table or massage chair available at your location on Islesboro.   Regular rates for massage therapy service apply + $75 travel fee.  See Family pod special rate.

Please send an email inquiry to:    awmybodyworks@gmail.com                              

Home visits and corporate visits with the Massage Chair or Table are available.

Please email:  awmybodyworks@gmail.com for booking and with inquiries for your home visit or special event.

Abundant Wellness <> All Around Wellness <> is a Planet<>People<>Profit model business, which views each action through the lens of environmental consciousness and stewardship.  You may read more about this business model in the "About Me" tab.

Your first visit includes a free soothing foot soak, Health History and discussion of your custom treatment plan.   

GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE ~ Request at awmybodyworks@gmail.com  or      squareup.com/gift/6RHWTYW9E5D63/order 

Individual Sessions:   Aha!  45 minutes = $80.     Bliss Body, 65 minutes = $100.     Bliss Plus, 75 minutes = $110.   Infinity massage, 88 minutes= $125.   ( + 30 min. soothing foot soak with in-take for your first...and following, if you request, Abundant Wellness session/s.)

* Multi-pack Specials:    * 4 x 45 minutes "Aha!" = $280.         * 4 x 65 minutes "Bliss Body" therapeutic massages = $360.  BEST RATES: * 4 x 75 minute "Bliss Body + therapeutic massages =$400.  * 4 x 88 minutes "Infinity Massages" = $450.  

*10 x 65 min. "Bliss Body" therapeutic massages = $900. * "Teacher's/Healthcare provider's Bliss": 10 x 65 minutes = $850.               

Outcall Specials:  Discounted for a hOMe visit when 3 or 4 family members or friends book together at one hearth.        3 Bliss Plus therapeutic massages (75 minute massages)  = $300. + *$75  travel + $375.        /OR                                              3 Infinity (88 minutes massages) at one location for $345 +  *$75. = $420.

Massage therapy may open the pathways to healing the interconnections of brain <> body <> emotions <> spirit <> relationship <> social functioning and wellness.  Abundant Wellness will provide support for your actions for your radiant wellness!  4 - or 10 - visits may best support your personal wellness plan and re-set your belief and functioning in your abundant health and wellness.

If you would like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will write to you or call you back (please let me know if you prefer a call) to confirm the details of your appointment and to answer any questions you might have.   

Zoom and telephonic Abundant Wellness sessions are also available for deep relaxation hands-on techniques AND immunity boosting lymphatic and circulatory cleanse and detoxification practices.  Individual or partner simple hands-on techniques and effective relaxation practices OR family yoga nidra classes for communal deep relaxation, opening the body and rejuvenation.   

Practice the 4 W's - wink for a smile; wear a mask; wash, wash, wash, wash hands; wait 6 ft. apart; wait awhile while we learn and understand more.  Reach out for a telephonic or Zoom session if you are experiencing Covid symptoms or need a coach for Lyme Disease recovery; anxiety, depression or isolation; trauma or PTSD; stress, fear, resentments, or anger; and need abundant wellness "on the go" deep relaxation  and restorative counseling.

Abundant Wellness is presently offering on-line, guided individual or partner massage and restorative sessions and/or demonstrating daily postural / positional and hands-on tension-release or pain-release techniques to decrease or alleviate your anxiety/depression, pain, tension, stress, discomfort, trauma / ptsd, grief/sadness/sorrow, emotional reactivity/ defensiveness/ aggression and to start you on your path to an abundant wellness flow within your body's systems.  Your own abundant wellness is here for you to increase; awaiting your own awareness, positional changes, release of tension, and pain release; changing overwork to greater balance; shifting stress, sadness, sorrow or grief.  You deserve nothing less than regular comfort, ease, peace, happiness, joy, and even bliss!

You may have been holding on, and now it may be your time to let it go.  Abundant wellness is flowing within you.  Change your brain and open your flow! Your pain is guiding you to know what to take care of, what area to zoom into!  And to ultimately release and re-educate your brain patterns and habits and create comfortable and easeful postural and movement patterns.  We will work with the exquisite tools of communication between you and me, and with your hands, feet, all of your body's systems and intelligence(s), massage therapy, yoga nidra, breathing practices and meditation, and isolation of movement via physical therapy type repetitive training.

Welcome:   Individuals,  2 - 3 partners / friends  for hands-on self- or partner-therapeutics.  This on-line service can take the form of your comfort  (Zoom, telephone, FT, email exchange, snail mail letters) at the rates listed below.  Pets are free to join; all parties benefit. I also offer anti-anxiety hands-on training for you and your dog or cat at the rates below.

Cost for Abundant Wellness Zoom, telephonic, email or snail mail interactive sessions:

* $80 per hour individual session               $125 per hour partner session

* $100 per 1.5 hour individual session       $175  per 1.5 hour partner session

* $150 per 2 ~ 1 hr sessions                         $325 per 2 ~1.5 hr partner sessions

* $280 per 4 ~ 1 hr sessions                         


Abundant Wellness Therapeutics is rooted in the science, observations, and studies of the west, while integrating the wisdom, energy, and practices of the east.  The therapeutic modalities encourage the experience of "bliss" or floating; stress relief and deep relaxation; pain relief and release; brain neuro-plastic re-conditioning, and whole body rest, rejuvenation and restoration.  Your customized session may integrate several therapeutic massage techniques for unwinding, deep relaxation, release, and rejuvenation and/or relief from pain, tension, stress, injury, trauma, overwork, illness, depression, anxiety, grief or sadness.  I welcome your inquiry and specific needs for your ease, release, deep relaxation, comfort and wellness at :  awmybodyworks@gmail.com   

A client review:   "Kara Masters Siekman is a true professional and highly trained massage therapist. After a thorough health review and closely listening to your needs, she thoughtfully guides your choice of massage techniques to best address your health needs. Health benefits are not merely relaxation but long lasting stress and pain relief."             ~K.R., Tai Chi Instructor

To book an appointment, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will write or call you to confirm the details and to answer any questions you might have.   

GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE ~     squareup.com/gift/6RHWTYW9E5D63/order                                   $100. for 65 minute Bliss Body Massage/ $110. for 75 min. Bliss Plus/  $125. for 88 minute Infinity Massage/ $160. for "Out of this World" 120 minutes.  Save $10 when you purchase for Mom in May ($85); when you purchase a certificate for Dad in June ($85) or MT for two:  $170 / $230 when you buy two massages ~ one for a dear and one for you!  

CURRENT SCHEDULE ~ Locations & Dates:    Islesboro, Maine,     2023 ~ 

Islesboro Community Center and Outcalls with heated massage table or massage chair available at your location on Islesboro or mid-coast Maine (with pre-planning).   Regular rates for massage therapy service apply + $50.  See Family pod special rate.

Please send email inquiry to:    awmybodyworks@gmail.com                      

Home visits and corporate visits with the Massage Chair are available.

Please email:  awmybodyworks@gmail.com for booking and with inquiries for your home visit or special event.

I will be honored to work with you to improve your experience of easeful body, peaceful brain, and blissful vitality.  I know through observation, experience, and studies that our bodies have the innate intelligence to heal themselves  and to find their way hOMe to homeostasis. 

Pain is a message that is pointing the way for you to change something.  Through an easeful, blissful and deep experience your brain will more readily tell your body what to do, and your body will blissfully tell your brain what to do.  When the parasympathetic (rest & digest) system is engaged, our body is in a receptive healing mode. The goal for your therapeutic massage experience with me will be for you to reside in your tranquil and blissful body while your brain makes deep and healing changes in your body.  We each have our systems that require our extra attention and care in order to maintain our abundant wellness. Our brains want symmetry and pain-free. Through the knowledge of reflexive and central nervous system clearing, pain-free status can be re-established.

I am a licensed massage therapist trained in a variety of modalities, which you can read more about in the "About Me" section.  As well as tissue softening, I provide a structural, postural, and functional bodywork emphasis.  In just one session you may feel openings and a strengthening of your reorganized body tissues, structure, fluids and neural pathways to wellness.  

You can explore the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work and the cost per session.  I offer 4 - session and 10 - session packages that allow you an option of massage for your wellness maintenance plan.

Abundant Wellness <> All Around Wellness <> is a Planet<>People<>Profit model business, which views each action through the lens of environmental consciousness and stewardship.  You may read more about this business model in the "About Me" tab.

Your first visit includes a free soothing foot soak, Health History and discussion of your custom treatment plan.   

GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE ~ Request at awmybodyworks@gmail.com  or      squareup.com/gift/6RHWTYW9E5D63/order 

Individual Sessions:   Aha!  45 minutes = $75.     Bliss Body, 65 minutes = $100.     Bliss Plus, 75 minutes = $110.   Infinity massage, 88 minutes= $125.   ( + 30 min. soothing foot soak with in-take for your first Abundant Wellness session.)

* Multi-pack Specials:    * 4 x 45 minutes "Aha!" = $280.         * 4 x 65 minutes "Bliss Body" therapeutic massages = $38  0.  BEST RATES: * 4 x 75 minute "Bliss Body + therapeutic massages =$400.  * 4 x 88 minutes "Infinity Massages" = $450.  

*10 x 65 min. "Bliss Body" therapeutic massages = $900. * "Teacher's/Healthcare provider's Bliss": 10 x 65 minutes = $850.             

Outcall Specials:  Discounted for a hOMe visit when 3 or 4 family members or friends book together at one hearth.        3 Bliss Body therapeutic massages (75 minute massages)  = $300. + *$50  (*travel) = $350.

3 Infinity (88 minutes massages) at one location =  $360 +  *$50.=  $410. 

Massage therapy may open the pathways to healing the interconnections of brain <> body <> emotions <> spirit <> relationship <> social functioning and wellness.  Abundant Wellness will provide support for your actions for your radiant wellness!  4 - or 10 - visits may best support your personal wellness plan and re-set your belief and functioning in your abundant health and wellness.

If you would like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will write to you or call you back (please let me know if you prefer a call) to confirm the details of your appointment and to answer any questions you might have.   

 This is happening at Anam Cara Sanctuary, future site of Abundant Wellness Islesboro Studio:


Thank you for visiting!   ~ Kara Masters Siekman <> Abundant Wellness <> All Around Wellness <> Frequent pathways